

例「kasumi bowl S green a00001」「kasumi vase L purple a00002」

・正規品にはすべて専用箱が付属します。(kasumi vaseなど一部対象外)

fresco Online Storeでは、画面上でも実際に手に取るような感覚で商品を選んでいただけるよう全ての商品を個別に撮影し販売しております。








Standard products



 Our works are inspected according to our standard in size, color, shape, thickness, and etc.,
and standard products meet all the criteria which is different from the House Quality products.

・Standard products have “a” with the numbers shown on our online store.
ex. "kasumi bowl S green a0001" "kasumi vase L purple a0002”

・Most of standard products are sent in its individual paper box, but please understand that there are some expectations such as Kasumi vase, P-bell and etc.

For out-of-stock items, we are able to receive an order, so please contact us.

Since our works are all handmade, there will be differences in each product,
even they are standard products.

Please purchase after viewing images and details on each page to find its individuality.